Technology: Figma | Photoshop | WordPress | CSS | Avada WP Theme This client had a theme of travel, exploration and meeting goals. The page was designed to fit a nerdy audience, but also not alienate anyone who isn’t nerdy. The requirements were something simple, clean, but also unique compared to other therapists as he […]
Category: Development
Canon 50th Anniversary
Technology: WordPress | PHP | Javascript | HTML5 This was an update to a previous version of the site. The task was to take one theme, move it to another theme, and update the look and feel, as well as much of the functionality of the site. […]
The Richard Syrett Show
Technology: Figma | Adobe Photoshop | WordPress | PHP | Javascript | HTML5 | CSS3 Website was designed and developed for radio show host Richard Syrett. Site design was made in Figma and based on a poster design he had for his new branding. Site was made very easy for him to update, and developed […]
Ori Watkins Productions
Technology: Adobe Photoshop | WordPress | PHP | Javascript | HTML5 | CSS3 Website was designed and developed for a lovely videographer. He needed a site that had some of the elements used in his older Flash based site, but with a new take on it. He needed a site with basic information, as well […]
M Worldwide
Technology: WordPress | PHP | Javascript | HTML5 […]
Technology: PHP | Javascript | HTML5 […]
Encore Music
Technology: Adobe Photoshop | XHTML | CSS An older site I did for a music teacher in the Cayman Islands. They wanted a simple yet attractive site to attract more students. (Site was only partially archived) […]
Technology: PHP | Javascript | HTML5 | CSS3 Developed English and French version of this Senokot website. Site was also made accessible. […]
Technology: XHTML | CSS An earlier example of my work, this was a social network where you created accounts for your pets to post as them, find them friends at shelters and businesses, and search for different services and items for them. […]
Citizen Compass
Technology: WordPress | PHP | XHTML | CSS Worked with the team at Ascentum to create the front end of a website for Price Waterhouse Cooper to help discover what Canadians wanted from their government. The features of this website are discussed in the pdf found here. (Website is no longer online, and is not […]